“Radio Aamar” is one of the most popular and interactive FM stations of Bangladesh broadcast its enriched programs all across the city and planning to spread transmission at every possible corner of Bangladesh. We started functioning commercially back in December 11, 2007 and being the third entrance to the market “Radio Aamar” has successfully grabbed huge listener ship. “Radio Aamar” is completely committed to enlighten the wealthy heritage and culture of Bangladesh and to promote affluent music of this soil all across the nation and most our programs have been highly appreciated by the audience. We aim to reach each and every individual of all possible corners of the world who belongs to Bangladeshi Community using online radio. It will be the open window for all Bengali spoken people all around the world to be connected with Bangladeshi infotainment and news. Radio Aamar appeals to wider cross section of both the urban and the rural residents of all towns that we transmit. We are a young and energetic station with an urban out look in our styles, both in presentation, programming, music entertainment and even program production.
Somthing About ABC Radio:
ABC Radio is the first
news-oriented FM radio station in Bangladesh. ABC radio is part of Mediastar,
from Transcom Group. It is one the sister concern of the Transcom Group. The
station studio is located at the media area of Kawran Bazar. The chief of
program and news of ABC Radio is M. Sanaullah (former chief news editor of
Prothom-alo). The station stays on air for 24 hours at FM 89.2 MHz of frequency
from Dhaka station. ABC launched its all out commercial operation on 7 January
2008. It’s the Source of your ultimate Entertainment.

Bangladesh Betar is the largest electronic medium in the country. It started broadcasting on 16 December 1939 as All India Radio at Nazimuddin Road, old part of present Dhaka City. Later on in 1962 the radio station was shifted to Shahbag at its own house. In 1971, radio changed its role as a propaganda machine and emerged as a front to assist the nation to achieve the independence. With the historic declaration of independence on March 26, 1971 the ‘Swadhin Bangla Betar Kendra’ started functioning playing vital role in broadcasting motivational programmes and championing the cause of liberation war. Radio Bangladesh started function from all the stations since Bangladesh victory on 16 December, 1971. In 1976 Radio Bangladesh installed 1000 KW transmitting station at Dhamrai, Dhaka. On 30 July, 1983 Dhaka Broadcasting House was shifted to National Broadcasting House at Sher-e-Bangla Nagar in the city and the former Broadcasting House at Shahbagh turned into Head Office of Bangladesh Betar.

Somthing About Radio2Fun:
Radio 2fun is a Bangladeshi online radio
station. Its only one destination to spread the Bangladeshi culture worldwide. Radio 2fun uses more than three powerful
servers by which it can give coverage about 30 millions listeners worldwide.
More than 5 Engineers are working to upgrade this radio station in every
moment. Two well known radio technical companies are giving support for
transmission regular. Radio 2fun has some talented web partners who are helping
to bring new features in our net service. Our transmission system is so much
efficient that users will not get any buffering while they are listening.


Somthing About Radio Foorti:
After a successful month of testing, Radio
Foorti hit the airwaves on the 22nd of September in 2006, introducing the FM
culture back to Bangladesh. Broadcasting on a frequency of 98.40 MHz, Radio
Foorti was one of the first stations to obtain and make use of a new ordinance
allowing broadcast radio to take off. Armed with Apu as their first radio
jockey, the station sought to provide quality music and entertainment through a
media largely ignored throughout the satellite television boom.

Somthing About Radio Today:
Radio Today is a radio
station in Bangladesh. It started airing in May 2006. It is currently
available in Dhaka and Chittagong. It started as the country's first private FM radio station in
May 2006 in Dhaka at 89.6 MHz. It later became available in Chittagong &
Cox's Bazaar. Soon its going to set coverage in Mymensingh, Khulna, Dinajpur
and Sylhet.


Somthing About Radio GoonGoon:
Radio GoonGoon is 24×7 Bangla Radio Channel streaming online Bengali Songs. The RadioGoonGoon internet radio stream, broadcasting round-the-clock 24×7 with unique associated services and legal original content. Live programs broadcasting from Australia. Radio GoonGoon webcasts Latest Bangla Songs, Classic “Adhunik” Bangla , oldies through new and currently popular Bengali songs.
Bangla Radio : Radio Dhaka

Radio Dhaka is the first live internet radio in Bangladesh in its kind, is broadcasting 24 hours live program on Internet. Radio Dhaka is the sister concern of Dhakacom Limited, is a nationwide Internet Service Provider working in the development, growth and expansion of Internet access to the whole country. With the mission to represent Bengali culture globally, the company targeting the listeners who speak Bengali and reside both inside the country and abroad. The live test transmission started from 1st of April and officially launched at 14th April, 2009. Only Bengali content are transmitting through this station so far. We are committed to promote Bengali Culture, Music, News, Heritage, Tourism and many more through our station. Such a sort experience of broadcasting we have impression that we could able to reach the drifter Bangladeshis as a small piece of Bangladesh. Listeners can smell the soil listening Radio Dhaka.

Radio Circle

you are Listening Bangla Radio –
Radio Circle
Live Streaming only on Live Online Linksurls.blogspot.com

you are Listening Bangla Radio –
Radio Circle
Live Streaming only on Live Online Linksurls.blogspot.com
Radio Artonad
you are Listening Bangla Radio –
Radio Circle
Live Streaming only on Live Online Linksurls.blogspot.com

Radio Circle
Live Streaming only on Live Online Linksurls.blogspot.com

Radio Lemon
you are Listening Bangla Radio –
Radio Lemon
Live Streaming only on Live Online Linksurls.blogspot.com
Radio Lemon
Live Streaming only on Live Online Linksurls.blogspot.com

Listen Here Desetka
(Radio) – Serbia – USA Live Streaming 24/7
(Radio) – Serbia – USA Live Streaming 24/7

Radio DESETKA a project that was initiated by young people opsednutih music and radio, and 01.09.2007. After only three months of existence, we were able to praise that we have, with 890 listeners at peak time, most rated internet radio stations. Music directions that are represented in the ex Yu pop, rock, and the period of 20h (GMT +1), you can hear the greatest hits of folk music that you choose to Karl, and listeners via SMS.

Radio and Televizion represent a developing concept of the company and of the practices of freedom of speech in Kosova. The communication with public opinion is achieved thro-ugh direct contact, therefore Radio and Television Dukagjini have become a well known name in all of Kosova.According to analysis and different polls, Radio Dukagjini is the most popular radio station in Kosova, and the Television with local frequency is an important opinion maker. This model of development reflects our idea of democracy building and development of the freedom of speech. Respect of the costumers for the company reflects on confidence of the Radio Dukagjini among the audience; The TV station brought higher standards of professionalism in the area it operates.

You are Listening Arabic Radio –
Radio Pendimi
Live Streaming only on Live Online Linksurls.blogspot.com
Radio Pendimi
Live Streaming only on Live Online Linksurls.blogspot.com