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Internet Explorer v.8

Internet Explorer v.8 - 7 MB
Internet Explorer 8 is Microsoft's incredibly popular web browser. Almost everyone has used some version of it, and you can be sure all websites will support it. The interface of Internet Explorer 8 hasn't changed that much compared to older versions, except for one small detail; the menu bar is back and shows up by default again. Besides that, everything else is in place: the address bar is again on top of the interface, and Favorites are accessible via a drop-down menu. As for new features, Internet Explorer 8 includes two main new tools: one is Accelerators (previously known as Activities), and the other is Web Slices. The first one gives you direct access to various online services just by right-clicking anywhere on the web page or on highlighted text. For instance, you can look up a word, map an address or perform a search with those marked words. The main drawback is that all these options use Microsoft's Windows Live services which means that you're stuck with them.
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post by: swordfish_007 